Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm Now a Mom to Septuplets!

Not septuplet humans, thank goodness, but septuplet puppies. Yes, Pandora did have 8, but for some unknown reason she decided she no longer wanted to be a mother and bit one of her pups on Thanksgiving evening. Off to the ER veterinary hospital in town went Blue Boy, O, and I where we learned that he would be fine and would just need some antibiotics to prevent infection. Unfortunately, while we were there Pandora killed one of the boys, and we promptly took all the puppies away from her. Why she did this, we can only speculate- she has come down with a doggie cold, and possibly her not feeling well convinced her that she could not care for a litter of pups.

So now they are my puppies, and I find myself bottle feeding them every 3 hours or so around the clock. Add in washing them up, cleaning up after them, and my usual responsibilities, and I am working my bum off! But, the pups are so cute and sweet to hold, that it is a small trouble to care for them. Add in the fact that they will not be on bottles longer than another 4-5 weeks, max, and I can handle it.

In other news, we are knocking on wood that strep has moved out of our house and not spread to anyone else. A few more days and I will breathe a sigh of relief!

1 comment:

princessbride said...

Oh! I was so sad when I read the first part! I had no idea dogs would do something like that. I would've actually cried. :( How did the kids handle it?