Monday, November 17, 2008

Puppy Watch

No puppies yet! And no new signs of impending labor. I have absolutely no patience when it comes to waiting for babies, and this is driving me insane. Although I am enjoying this whole process, I want to see the puppies NOW and to not have to wait any longer. Too bad that I have no choice but to wait, and to watch my dog like a hawk.

In other news, our weather here is de-lightful (my apologies to my SoCal friends, but I really am enjoying the cooler weather!) When we get up in the morning it is below freezing, and over the course of the day it warms up into the upper 50s to low 60s. We are having a heat wave today- a high of 67 is forecasted! The kids are slowly getting used to the difference in weather, although O has officially gone on record to say that he hates the cold. Of course, if he bothered to put on pants instead of shorts and maybe pulled a jacket on before taking the dog out at 7 in the morning, he may not be so cold. But to a 12 year old boy that is way too much work and he would rather stand outside and suffer in the freezing air.

1 comment:

~Dinah said...

LOL about O. Here in MN you can tell the true natives if they're wearing shorts when it hits the 30's. I'm not one of those! I'm with O...I hate the cold.