Friday, August 22, 2008

Psycho Pedestrians

What is it about 'querquians that makes them so insane when it comes to crossing the street? They don't care about silly little things like crosswalks, or street lights, or even oncoming traffic. Who cares if the crossing signals say do not cross- go ahead, cross the street! Four lanes of traffic going 50mph in both directions? No problem! Just trot on out there and ignore the cars as they screech to a halt.

And before anyone thinks I am exaggerating, all the people at Nate's office (who have all come from CA), make comments about "going native" and crossing the street without any regard to safety. It's like New Mexicans are so hopped up on chiles that they think they are invincible. Driving here is an adventure, that's for sure. Californians may have the market cornered on speeding, but ABQ has the market on dangerous streetwalkers, and not of the paid-by-the-hour kind.

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