Today is O's first day of Middle School. When did my baby get so old? Oh, that's right- he turned 12 a couple of weeks ago. Nate and I joke that he is entering the transitional period, and that was definitely in evidence yesterday at an introductory ice cream social at his new school. A smile would not appear on his normally sunny face, and there was a lot of foot-shuffling going on. Never was a pre-teen so happy to go home as that kid was! He spent most of the rest of the day in a sullen silence, evidently dreading going to his new school in the morning. However, he was full of sunshine on his way out the door (maybe because Nate is taking him to school and they get uninterrupted time together?). Who knows, but I was happy to see my son back to his usual happy self.
In other news, we have a new family member! I was perusing the ABQ Craigslist and saw a listing for a ten week old Holland Lop bunny. As a teenager I had more than my fair share of lop bunnies, and could not resist the idea of getting one now. So on a whim I adopted her, and hit Petsmart for a new hutch and supplies. After a night of debating names, I settled on Inle (accent over the 'e', maybe I'll figure out how to do that one day). It comes from the book Watership Down, like all my bunnies' names, and it means moon or darkness. Very fitting for a dark gray bunny with the shiniest fur ever. She is a doll, and all the kids are in love with her, especially E. Here's Inle in all her tiny-bunny glory-
1 comment:
so cute!
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