Shortly after E started school, she brought a letter home from the school nurse stating that she needed to get the varicella vaccine. The deadline for getting it was September 19th, so I promptly got on the phone to schedule her an appointment with a pediatrician. Much to my shock, though, I could not find a pediatrician that could see her before November, much less by the 19th. So I had to call the Public Health Department and get an appointment with them, which was still not until the 25th (today.) I went into E's school and spoke with the nurse, and they said it would be fine to be a few days late.
Last week we got another letter from the nurse stating that she must bring in her proof of vaccination by the 26th or she would not be able to return to school. Who knew NM was so anal about this sort of thing?!
Anyhow, fast forward to today. I took both kids out of school to go (I figured if E needed the shot so did O), and spent a long time in an empty waiting room at the Health Department. M and G were their usual ornery selves, so by the time we were called in I was a bit of a mess. Except- we weren't called in. The nurse came out to tell me that E did not need a varicella shot, that she had already had one. Duh, I knew that, but the school nurse said she needed another one. Turns out she didn't, so after 2 hours of wasted time we returned to E's school for me to talk with the nurse there.
I came prepared with the official vaccination requirements for the State of New Mexico to show the school nurse in the hope that they would not try and tell me again that she needed another shot. The school nurse pulled up E's file, and said, "Oops- looks like we didn't enter her varicella vaccination. Sorry about that, she is all clear."
Um, right? You managed to hand write two notices for her to bring home, but couldn't manage to properly enter her vaccination records into the computer?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
All Partied Out
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I Love Sundays!
This morning we decided to celebrate the imminent arrival of Fall with a special breakfast. I got up early and started pumpkin pancakes and bacon, plus oatmeal for Nate the Vegan. Nate took O to Starbucks for a Sunday paper, coffee, milks for the kids, and chai (extra pump, please) for me. I tried out a new recipe for pumpkin pancakes and it was fantastic- thick pancakes yet light and fluffy with that perfect combination of spices and pumpkin-y goodness. I made the bacon in the oven, which is the second-best way to make bacon (the absolute best is on the George Foreman grill, but the cleanup is a pain in the patookis). Then we all sat down to enjoy breakfast together before starting our day.
I have to say this whole eating-together-at-the-table thing is awesome. We eat dinner together 7 nights a week, and then add in at least one breakfast or lunch on the weekend. The time our family spends gathered around the table has become my favorite part of our move. What I took for granted as a child, meals done family style, is now a cherished part of my life as a mother. I have a new appreciation for all my mom did in making meals for us and getting us to the table at the same time. So thanks, Mom, for laying such firm groundwork for me to build on with my own family.
I have to say this whole eating-together-at-the-table thing is awesome. We eat dinner together 7 nights a week, and then add in at least one breakfast or lunch on the weekend. The time our family spends gathered around the table has become my favorite part of our move. What I took for granted as a child, meals done family style, is now a cherished part of my life as a mother. I have a new appreciation for all my mom did in making meals for us and getting us to the table at the same time. So thanks, Mom, for laying such firm groundwork for me to build on with my own family.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My Eyes! My Eyes!
E and I made a trip to Target this morning to pick up a birthday gift for a friend of hers. E will be going to her party later in the day at ABQ Jump, and is rather excited about it.
While comfortably ensconced in the welcoming atmosphere of my second favorite store (anyone want to make a guess what my #1 favorite store is?), E and I decided to wander the aisles and do a little perusing. First off came the make-up section, followed quickly by the kitchen supply area. This took quite a while, since my kitchen is my favorite room in the house and I am a sucker for more stuff for it. (I picked up two large square-ish red melamine bowls to add to the red theme in my kitchen, woohoo! Love Target!) After that came a stroll through clothing, baby, sporting goods, and finally the Halloween section.
Ah, Halloween. That Pagan holiday that has become the second most-decorated holiday after Christmas, of course (anyone find that ironic?). Target has an entire corner of the store dedicated to Halloween. Skulls and pumpkins mingle with headless statues and severed hands in gory bliss, tempting people to turn their homes into mini haunted mansions for the next month. I like Halloween as much as the next person, but I am a bit turned off by the sheer repulsiveness of many of the decorations. Cute pumpkins: good. Oozing masks and screaming toys: bad. Packages of candy wrapped in shades of orange, black, and purple: good. Food shaped like severed fingers and bloody eyeballs: really bad.
My perplexity and yes, nausea at the scope of decorations available was not what inspired this blog entry. It was what lay behind the grinning masks of death and spooky trees that had my eyes burning in shock and pain. There, on the back wall of Target was a sizable collection of Christmas decorations. Yes, Christmas decorations, in September. Technically speaking, it is still Summer and yet people can buy Christmas lights and yard ornaments. There I stood surrounded by orange and black and doom and gloom, and up on the wall presiding over the madness and mayhem was a collection of jolly Santas and smiling snowmen. Seen from my perspective, they no longer seemed filled with holiday cheer but more of a maniacal glee at the scene below.
I may never look at Christmas yard statues without seeing witches and bats and blood again.
While comfortably ensconced in the welcoming atmosphere of my second favorite store (anyone want to make a guess what my #1 favorite store is?), E and I decided to wander the aisles and do a little perusing. First off came the make-up section, followed quickly by the kitchen supply area. This took quite a while, since my kitchen is my favorite room in the house and I am a sucker for more stuff for it. (I picked up two large square-ish red melamine bowls to add to the red theme in my kitchen, woohoo! Love Target!) After that came a stroll through clothing, baby, sporting goods, and finally the Halloween section.
Ah, Halloween. That Pagan holiday that has become the second most-decorated holiday after Christmas, of course (anyone find that ironic?). Target has an entire corner of the store dedicated to Halloween. Skulls and pumpkins mingle with headless statues and severed hands in gory bliss, tempting people to turn their homes into mini haunted mansions for the next month. I like Halloween as much as the next person, but I am a bit turned off by the sheer repulsiveness of many of the decorations. Cute pumpkins: good. Oozing masks and screaming toys: bad. Packages of candy wrapped in shades of orange, black, and purple: good. Food shaped like severed fingers and bloody eyeballs: really bad.
My perplexity and yes, nausea at the scope of decorations available was not what inspired this blog entry. It was what lay behind the grinning masks of death and spooky trees that had my eyes burning in shock and pain. There, on the back wall of Target was a sizable collection of Christmas decorations. Yes, Christmas decorations, in September. Technically speaking, it is still Summer and yet people can buy Christmas lights and yard ornaments. There I stood surrounded by orange and black and doom and gloom, and up on the wall presiding over the madness and mayhem was a collection of jolly Santas and smiling snowmen. Seen from my perspective, they no longer seemed filled with holiday cheer but more of a maniacal glee at the scene below.
I may never look at Christmas yard statues without seeing witches and bats and blood again.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Our Blended Family, Dietetically Speaking
For many people, planning dinners and going to the grocery store is anything from tedious to joyous, depending on one's point of view. It's filled with the usual challenges of balancing nutrition with food preferences of each family member, what the cook likes to make, how much things cost, and sometimes special circumstances like allergies or intolerances are factors for the planner. Luckily for me, in my house allergies and intolerances aren't an issue. However, we do have an interesting set of parameters that I follow when doing meal planning in our house.
As many of you know, Nate is vegan. Strict vegan, in the purest sense of the term- no animal products of any kind, including honey, and nothing like sodium caseinate that is derived from milk sources. I have to scrutinize labels of all products that are pre-made, like bread and pastas. Because of this, we have shifted more towards a whole food diet and staying away from most processed foods. This is a good thing, one that I am completely excited about and in support of.
However, the other level of challenges that I face in meal planning is the fact that Nate is the only one in our house that is vegan. About 98% of the time, I am vegetarian. The occasional piece of bacon or some chicken enters my diet when we eat out, but at home I eat vegetarian. The kids are omnivores, and not happy about avoiding certain foods during dinner. They miss butter, and milk, and cheese, on top of missing things like my meatloaf and meat lasagna and grilled chicken. I cook vegan meals for the family, with every dish being free from all animal products. Although I am a fairly good cook (if I do say so myself, and I do), it still feels like a difficult challenge to make tasty meals that satisfy all members of the family.
Every so often the kids and I get to live it up and make a non-vegan meal. This happened the other evening when Nate went in to work late and stayed late. I made homemade macaroni and cheese (five kinds of cheese, no lie), carrots glazed with honey and butter, parker house rolls, and for dessert- peach pie with double vanilla ice cream. It was a lovely meal, and the kids were in ecstasy with each bite, exclaiming how much they loved butter and cheese and honey and how un-vegan it all was. There was enough left over that we got to eat it for dinner a second night in a row while Nate scrounged his own dinner. And then tonight it was back to vegan food, with quinoa, spelt, vegan crumbles, lots of veggies, and seasonings like rice vinegar and Bragg's, with roasted asparagus on the side. Good, but not macaroni and cheese.
As many of you know, Nate is vegan. Strict vegan, in the purest sense of the term- no animal products of any kind, including honey, and nothing like sodium caseinate that is derived from milk sources. I have to scrutinize labels of all products that are pre-made, like bread and pastas. Because of this, we have shifted more towards a whole food diet and staying away from most processed foods. This is a good thing, one that I am completely excited about and in support of.
However, the other level of challenges that I face in meal planning is the fact that Nate is the only one in our house that is vegan. About 98% of the time, I am vegetarian. The occasional piece of bacon or some chicken enters my diet when we eat out, but at home I eat vegetarian. The kids are omnivores, and not happy about avoiding certain foods during dinner. They miss butter, and milk, and cheese, on top of missing things like my meatloaf and meat lasagna and grilled chicken. I cook vegan meals for the family, with every dish being free from all animal products. Although I am a fairly good cook (if I do say so myself, and I do), it still feels like a difficult challenge to make tasty meals that satisfy all members of the family.
Every so often the kids and I get to live it up and make a non-vegan meal. This happened the other evening when Nate went in to work late and stayed late. I made homemade macaroni and cheese (five kinds of cheese, no lie), carrots glazed with honey and butter, parker house rolls, and for dessert- peach pie with double vanilla ice cream. It was a lovely meal, and the kids were in ecstasy with each bite, exclaiming how much they loved butter and cheese and honey and how un-vegan it all was. There was enough left over that we got to eat it for dinner a second night in a row while Nate scrounged his own dinner. And then tonight it was back to vegan food, with quinoa, spelt, vegan crumbles, lots of veggies, and seasonings like rice vinegar and Bragg's, with roasted asparagus on the side. Good, but not macaroni and cheese.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Our Super-Safe Neighborhood
Sadly, ABQ is known for it's high crime rate. And of course it's DWI/DUI rate too. When one thinks of a safe place to raise kids, one does not usually think of ABQ. However, generalizing an entire city by the terrible statistics of a few parts of it is unfair and in this case, not appropriate. We live in the Westside of town (yes, they call it the Westside, no, it isn't like the Westside in LA, thank goodness!), on the very edge of ABQ proper. Behind us is the Petroglyph National Monument, and the heart of ABQ is a wee bit of a drive away on I40.
Our neighborhood has a low crime rate, which is to be expected in a new neighborhood full of houses with alarm systems and lots of construction still going on. But the safety of our neighborhood has little to do with that- it has a lot more to do with it's residents. So far we know of 3 Albuquerque Police Officers that live here (oh, and they get to keep their squad car all of the time, so they are parked on the street or in their driveways when they are at home), one Bernallilo Country Sheriff (also in possession of his squad car all the time), a state police trooper (again with the car), and an FBI agent. And they all have kids, which they all let ride around the neighborhood on their bikes and spend their time out of doors. What cop would let their kids do that if they knew the area was bad, I ask you?
Our neighborhood has a low crime rate, which is to be expected in a new neighborhood full of houses with alarm systems and lots of construction still going on. But the safety of our neighborhood has little to do with that- it has a lot more to do with it's residents. So far we know of 3 Albuquerque Police Officers that live here (oh, and they get to keep their squad car all of the time, so they are parked on the street or in their driveways when they are at home), one Bernallilo Country Sheriff (also in possession of his squad car all the time), a state police trooper (again with the car), and an FBI agent. And they all have kids, which they all let ride around the neighborhood on their bikes and spend their time out of doors. What cop would let their kids do that if they knew the area was bad, I ask you?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Kids Being Kids
One of the major reasons why we chose to move to ABQ in general and to this neighborhood in particular was to provide our kids with a bit more freedom. When we were children, Nate and I ran loose in the neighborhood with all of the other kids, riding bikes and just being kids. In CA, our neighborhood was not safe for the kids to ride their bikes around or even play in the front yard by themselves. Traffic was dangerous and it wasn't exactly the safest area to raise kids.
Here in ABQ, our community is perfect for the kids to run around in and play without worry. Although it is not a gated community, it is fairly enclosed with no traffic driving through on their way to other places. The streets have sidewalks and streetlights, little to no traffic for hours on end, and lots of places for the kids to play and explore. There are parks and playgrounds, hills and paths, and plenty of neat stuff in between. O and E have been enjoying exploring the area and making friends while they are at it.
Speaking of friends, they both had sleepovers last night. O had his friend 'I' spend the night, and E went to her friend C's house. Luckily for us, I and C are brother and sister, so the four of them can get along as well. They all stayed up late, slept in, and are now going in and out of both houses and through the neighborhood riding bikes and in general being kids.
I am so happy to see my kids have parts of their childhood be as carefree as mine was. I love seeing them ride off on their bikes and come home an hour later dirty and happy. I like hearing their voices and their friends' voices calling through the house, and knowing that they are enjoying their new lives here in Duke City.
Here in ABQ, our community is perfect for the kids to run around in and play without worry. Although it is not a gated community, it is fairly enclosed with no traffic driving through on their way to other places. The streets have sidewalks and streetlights, little to no traffic for hours on end, and lots of places for the kids to play and explore. There are parks and playgrounds, hills and paths, and plenty of neat stuff in between. O and E have been enjoying exploring the area and making friends while they are at it.
Speaking of friends, they both had sleepovers last night. O had his friend 'I' spend the night, and E went to her friend C's house. Luckily for us, I and C are brother and sister, so the four of them can get along as well. They all stayed up late, slept in, and are now going in and out of both houses and through the neighborhood riding bikes and in general being kids.
I am so happy to see my kids have parts of their childhood be as carefree as mine was. I love seeing them ride off on their bikes and come home an hour later dirty and happy. I like hearing their voices and their friends' voices calling through the house, and knowing that they are enjoying their new lives here in Duke City.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Geeks R Us
As many of you know, Nate and I are a bit nerdish. He is more nerdy than I, of course. But our geekiness has been something that we have embraced and even worked hard to pass on to our children. It appears that in the case of our oldest son, O, we may have been a bit more successful than we had anticipated. Not only did O try out for band and get accepted, but his instrument of choice is the Baritone. I suppose it could have been worse- it could have been the tuba.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Retraction on What Sucks the Most
I was rather ecstatic yesterday to learn that Albuquerque is getting their very own Sephora store! In fact, it opens tomorrow at the mall that is conveniently located across the way from M's school. How did I get so lucky?! I drive by there at least 3 times a week, so popping in whenever I feel like it will be so easy. I am so thrilled that I have a beloved Sephora to shop at- words can not do my excitement justice.
And of course, this now opens up the slot for what sucks the most about ABQ. As of right now I do not have anything to put in that spot, but I am sure I will come up with something. Ha.
And of course, this now opens up the slot for what sucks the most about ABQ. As of right now I do not have anything to put in that spot, but I am sure I will come up with something. Ha.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Update on E's Eyes
Real quick- she does not need glasses! Her vision is off a touch, but not bad enough to merit glasses for even part-time usage, especially since she has no trouble seeing. E was quite relieved to learn that she does not need to join her Dad and older brother in the four-eyed club. At least not yet. ;)
Crazy Wednesdays
With three kids in three different schools, my daily schedule can be a bit cluttered. Wednesdays, though, take the cake. I spend a lot of time in the car on this day of the week, dropping off and picking up kids from all over the city. Here's what each of their schedules for the day looks like:
O- Starts school at 8:10am, gets out at 2:45pm.
E- Starts school at 8:45am, gets out at 12:30pm.
M- Starts school at 9:30am, gets out at 1:00pm.
As you can see, this makes for a crazy Wednesday! Luckily, Nate takes O and M to school in the morning. M goes into early care at 8:30am instead of us waiting until 9:30 to drop her off. All I have to do is drop off E at 8:45, and then I have a few hours with G to relax or run errands. Then at 12:15 we leave to pick up E, then drive straight over to get M. Back home until 2:20 when we head out for O, and then back home again.
Today we have an extra trip out: E is going to the eye doctor for an exam. She failed her distance screening at school again, this time worse than the last. She does not, however, have trouble seeing the board at school despite sitting completely in the back. So she may not need glasses until she is driving, or if she plays sports and needs to see the ball on the other end of the court/field. Her appointment is at 4:15pm today and I will post a quick update once we get back. If I have any energy left from my crazy day, that is.
O- Starts school at 8:10am, gets out at 2:45pm.
E- Starts school at 8:45am, gets out at 12:30pm.
M- Starts school at 9:30am, gets out at 1:00pm.
As you can see, this makes for a crazy Wednesday! Luckily, Nate takes O and M to school in the morning. M goes into early care at 8:30am instead of us waiting until 9:30 to drop her off. All I have to do is drop off E at 8:45, and then I have a few hours with G to relax or run errands. Then at 12:15 we leave to pick up E, then drive straight over to get M. Back home until 2:20 when we head out for O, and then back home again.
Today we have an extra trip out: E is going to the eye doctor for an exam. She failed her distance screening at school again, this time worse than the last. She does not, however, have trouble seeing the board at school despite sitting completely in the back. So she may not need glasses until she is driving, or if she plays sports and needs to see the ball on the other end of the court/field. Her appointment is at 4:15pm today and I will post a quick update once we get back. If I have any energy left from my crazy day, that is.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wow, It's True
New Mexican children really DO cut their teeth on raw Hatch Chiles.

G really liked it! I was worried when Nate passed the chile over to him, but he dove right in and followed each bite with an "Mmmmmmmm". Takes after his father, I think, since I am so wimpy about spicy food.
And since I am playing with pictures, here is a shot of my wonderful kitchen:

I have been enjoying cooking meals for my family here. There is a LOT more counter space, and the pantry is awesome. Add in our gorgeous table that easily sits all six of us, and it is a dream come true for me.
G really liked it! I was worried when Nate passed the chile over to him, but he dove right in and followed each bite with an "Mmmmmmmm". Takes after his father, I think, since I am so wimpy about spicy food.
And since I am playing with pictures, here is a shot of my wonderful kitchen:
I have been enjoying cooking meals for my family here. There is a LOT more counter space, and the pantry is awesome. Add in our gorgeous table that easily sits all six of us, and it is a dream come true for me.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Real Candidate for Change, Plus Ramblings
I propose a truly different sort of candidate for President, one that is so completely out of the political spectrum that change is a given:

In other news, O is getting used to his school and is enjoying it! He likes the small size, the small classes, and the involved teachers. For those of you not aware of what school he is going to, it is 21st Century Public Academy. It's a charter school and has high ratings; higher than the average Albuquerque school and much higher than the average New Mexico school. It's perfect for him. He is getting ready for his first OSI (Out of School Instruction), which is an overnight trip to Hummingbird Music Camp that starts tomorrow. It is a bonding trip for the 6th grade and their teachers, giving them all a chance to get to know one another better and enjoy their course work outside of the classroom.
M has been having a bit of trouble adjusting to school. She loves it, of course; that's not the issue. It's more that she is not following the rules all that well- yelling at the other kids, doing a bit of pushing or pulling on clothes when the kids aren't doing what she wants, that sort of thing. Luckily the teacher has been working with us to correct this behavior and get M back into the good student she normally is. She had a very good day on Friday and was commended by every member of the family.
E is doing terrific at school and is making a lot of friends. She has decided that her teacher is very nice and that she likes being in an indoor school. She has also been spending a lot of time out in the neighborhood riding her bike and playing some of the other kids.
Last but not least, G made the first mess on the carpet. He has been sick with a cold, and it went straight into his chest as usual. Yesterday morning he started coughing and began to choke, and puked his strawberry breakfast bar all over the floor upstairs. Poor kid. He's fine; we dosed him with some expectorant and put a humidifier in his room, and he is much better today. Fortunately, my carpet recovered as well after some elbow grease application.

In other news, O is getting used to his school and is enjoying it! He likes the small size, the small classes, and the involved teachers. For those of you not aware of what school he is going to, it is 21st Century Public Academy. It's a charter school and has high ratings; higher than the average Albuquerque school and much higher than the average New Mexico school. It's perfect for him. He is getting ready for his first OSI (Out of School Instruction), which is an overnight trip to Hummingbird Music Camp that starts tomorrow. It is a bonding trip for the 6th grade and their teachers, giving them all a chance to get to know one another better and enjoy their course work outside of the classroom.
M has been having a bit of trouble adjusting to school. She loves it, of course; that's not the issue. It's more that she is not following the rules all that well- yelling at the other kids, doing a bit of pushing or pulling on clothes when the kids aren't doing what she wants, that sort of thing. Luckily the teacher has been working with us to correct this behavior and get M back into the good student she normally is. She had a very good day on Friday and was commended by every member of the family.
E is doing terrific at school and is making a lot of friends. She has decided that her teacher is very nice and that she likes being in an indoor school. She has also been spending a lot of time out in the neighborhood riding her bike and playing some of the other kids.
Last but not least, G made the first mess on the carpet. He has been sick with a cold, and it went straight into his chest as usual. Yesterday morning he started coughing and began to choke, and puked his strawberry breakfast bar all over the floor upstairs. Poor kid. He's fine; we dosed him with some expectorant and put a humidifier in his room, and he is much better today. Fortunately, my carpet recovered as well after some elbow grease application.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm Scared
I went to the MVD Express today to finish getting my new registration on our van. Sadly, I had to go with the dorky hot air balloon license plate, since the MVD Express is a licensed outside contractor that provides motor vehicle services for the real department of motor vehicles, along with a convenience fee for people like me that go there. (I must admit, it is a brilliant idea- no long lines, no waiting weeks for appts, no rude people, it's awesome and worth every penny of additional cost!) I am now an official resident of the state, complete with driver's license and vehicle registration.
That, however, is not what I am scared of. Here's what got me going today- while getting my papers processed, a woman next to me was getting her driver's license renewed. Part of the procedure is a general eye exam to make sure you can read road signs and not kill the crazy people crossing the street in front of oncoming traffic. So this lady is taking the eye exam, and she keeps getting a lot of the letters wrong. The clerk asks her if she wears glasses, and the woman says yes but only for reading, otherwise her vision is fine. The clerk asks her to try again with a new batch of letters, and again, and again, until finally she says, "Close enough, I think you'll be fine."
And THEN, as if this weren't enough, she gives the lady the option of a 4 year license or an 8 year, and the lady takes the 8 year! I wonder how bad her vision will be by the time those 8 years are halfway over? And to think she is out there sharing the road with thousands, and trying to navigate the psycho frontage road system and dodge insane pedestrians. My heart has palpitations just thinking about it.
Come on, people, it should be mandatory to Think and Drive!!!!
That, however, is not what I am scared of. Here's what got me going today- while getting my papers processed, a woman next to me was getting her driver's license renewed. Part of the procedure is a general eye exam to make sure you can read road signs and not kill the crazy people crossing the street in front of oncoming traffic. So this lady is taking the eye exam, and she keeps getting a lot of the letters wrong. The clerk asks her if she wears glasses, and the woman says yes but only for reading, otherwise her vision is fine. The clerk asks her to try again with a new batch of letters, and again, and again, until finally she says, "Close enough, I think you'll be fine."
And THEN, as if this weren't enough, she gives the lady the option of a 4 year license or an 8 year, and the lady takes the 8 year! I wonder how bad her vision will be by the time those 8 years are halfway over? And to think she is out there sharing the road with thousands, and trying to navigate the psycho frontage road system and dodge insane pedestrians. My heart has palpitations just thinking about it.
Come on, people, it should be mandatory to Think and Drive!!!!
The Weather
Lately I have gotten several questions on what our weather has been like, so I figured I would take a moment to cover it here on the blog. First off, yes we live in the desert. Yes it does get hot. But it is high desert (we are over 5000ft in altitude here) so it's not like the Sahara or even Palm Springs. The Summer months of June-July-August are warm to hot, with the average high in the low 90's. Some days are hotter, some days are cooler. Nights are in the upper 60's to low 70's, which is nice after a hot day.
Now that we are moving towards Fall, the temperatures are going down. Highs are now in the 80's, with a day of low 70's and rain every so often. Nights are getting cooler too- last night our low was 50F. Today it will warm up to 88, and by next week we'll be back down in the 70's.
As for Winter, we have already been warned to buy a snow shovel before we need it. HOORAY! I do love me some snow, which I think means I will be the lucky one who gets to do the shoveling. ABQ does not get a lot of snow, and it usually only hangs around for a day at most. Every so often, though, they get a nice storm that can close schools for the day and require driveway clearing before we can leave the house. I can't wait!
Now that we are moving towards Fall, the temperatures are going down. Highs are now in the 80's, with a day of low 70's and rain every so often. Nights are getting cooler too- last night our low was 50F. Today it will warm up to 88, and by next week we'll be back down in the 70's.
As for Winter, we have already been warned to buy a snow shovel before we need it. HOORAY! I do love me some snow, which I think means I will be the lucky one who gets to do the shoveling. ABQ does not get a lot of snow, and it usually only hangs around for a day at most. Every so often, though, they get a nice storm that can close schools for the day and require driveway clearing before we can leave the house. I can't wait!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day Of School, and a New Family Member
Today is O's first day of Middle School. When did my baby get so old? Oh, that's right- he turned 12 a couple of weeks ago. Nate and I joke that he is entering the transitional period, and that was definitely in evidence yesterday at an introductory ice cream social at his new school. A smile would not appear on his normally sunny face, and there was a lot of foot-shuffling going on. Never was a pre-teen so happy to go home as that kid was! He spent most of the rest of the day in a sullen silence, evidently dreading going to his new school in the morning. However, he was full of sunshine on his way out the door (maybe because Nate is taking him to school and they get uninterrupted time together?). Who knows, but I was happy to see my son back to his usual happy self.
In other news, we have a new family member! I was perusing the ABQ Craigslist and saw a listing for a ten week old Holland Lop bunny. As a teenager I had more than my fair share of lop bunnies, and could not resist the idea of getting one now. So on a whim I adopted her, and hit Petsmart for a new hutch and supplies. After a night of debating names, I settled on Inle (accent over the 'e', maybe I'll figure out how to do that one day). It comes from the book Watership Down, like all my bunnies' names, and it means moon or darkness. Very fitting for a dark gray bunny with the shiniest fur ever. She is a doll, and all the kids are in love with her, especially E. Here's Inle in all her tiny-bunny glory-
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