I feel even more blessed today, as E is turning into a wonderful, amazing human being that I am thrilled every day to know. Her light in my life is one of constant joy and happiness, and I am so happy to be her mommy. Happy birthday baby girl!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Happy Birthday My Girl!
I feel even more blessed today, as E is turning into a wonderful, amazing human being that I am thrilled every day to know. Her light in my life is one of constant joy and happiness, and I am so happy to be her mommy. Happy birthday baby girl!
Monday, January 19, 2009
I Can't Believe I Am Doing This
I am going to complain about my house. Yes, my beloved dream home, with room enough for my large family and all of our things. I still love my home- I love the layout, the space, the colors, everything. Well, everything except one thing- my carpet. I have cut berber carpet throughout the house, and it is gorgeous carpet. Light beige with little spots of dark color here and there that is perfect for kids. It's also neutral enough that it goes with all of the many colors on our walls, and is chameleon-like in it's ability to be cool or warm toned based on the colors around it.
So what could I possibly not like about it? It is rough on my socks. The fibers are rather "grabby" and as I go about the house during the day in my sock feet, it wears through them rather quickly. I think I get maybe a half dozen wears from each pair of socks before the carpet wears a hole in them. Hubby suggested house slippers, which I did purchase, but I forget to put them on and end up ruining my socks. It's too cold this time of year to go barefoot, and we don't wear shoes in the house. What's a girl to do? I guess buy her socks in bulk at Wal*Mart.
So what could I possibly not like about it? It is rough on my socks. The fibers are rather "grabby" and as I go about the house during the day in my sock feet, it wears through them rather quickly. I think I get maybe a half dozen wears from each pair of socks before the carpet wears a hole in them. Hubby suggested house slippers, which I did purchase, but I forget to put them on and end up ruining my socks. It's too cold this time of year to go barefoot, and we don't wear shoes in the house. What's a girl to do? I guess buy her socks in bulk at Wal*Mart.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah, Nah-Nah-Nah-Nah, Hey Hey Hey, GOODBYE
The last puppy has left the nest! I am so thrilled to have all of them out and in their new homes, and I get to have my kitchen back. And Hadrian went to the Cavalier Rescue group today too, so we are down to one dog. Hooray! I am so happy and so relieved to have all of this taken care of, and I feel like I can get back to my old life. Only better, because Hadrian will not be stressing me out anymore.
Time to break out the ice wine and celebrate!!
Time to break out the ice wine and celebrate!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
I turned 34 today, woohoo! It was an excellent birthday that I thoroughly enjoyed. I did laundry, washed dishes, finished painting one of the bathrooms, and ran errands. I know, I do most all of that every day. But the simple fact that it was my birthday made all of these things extra special. I also spent a couple hours on the phone with my oldest sister, another half hour with the middle sister, and had a nice chat with my Dad.
As for presents, Nate bought me an amazing gift- a Vitamix blender. I have lusted after one of these for years, and will be receiving mine on Saturday. I am really looking forward to trying out some Green Smoothies, and making fabulous salad dressings and sauces in it. Considering that I use my blender at least twice a day, and often 3 or 4 times, this is a good investment for me.
One really cool thing I have noticed about getting older is that my life keeps getting better and better. Or maybe it's more that I like myself better and better, or feel more comfortable in my skin. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I do know that my 30's have been more satisfying for me than my 20's. I have heard that this tends to be true for women- their quality of life goes up as they age, and they report more satisfaction with their lives as time goes by. It's not so bad getting older- especially since I got carded the other day! I must look halfway decent for a 30-something.
As for presents, Nate bought me an amazing gift- a Vitamix blender. I have lusted after one of these for years, and will be receiving mine on Saturday. I am really looking forward to trying out some Green Smoothies, and making fabulous salad dressings and sauces in it. Considering that I use my blender at least twice a day, and often 3 or 4 times, this is a good investment for me.
One really cool thing I have noticed about getting older is that my life keeps getting better and better. Or maybe it's more that I like myself better and better, or feel more comfortable in my skin. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I do know that my 30's have been more satisfying for me than my 20's. I have heard that this tends to be true for women- their quality of life goes up as they age, and they report more satisfaction with their lives as time goes by. It's not so bad getting older- especially since I got carded the other day! I must look halfway decent for a 30-something.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sucks and Supers About ABQ
Time for another review of our new city. Don't you all love these? Let's start with my newest contender for What Sucks the Most About ABQ. As you all know, at one point it was the lack of a Sephora store that was in first place, but that was quickly remedied. Since then I have been toying with several candidates for the Suckiest part of ABQ, and I think I have hit upon a very good one. It's the food. Not that the food itself is bad, oh no- it's that it is too freakin' hot for me to eat! People like it super-spicy here and smother everything in green or red chile, or both, and happily gulp it down. I thought that a few months of training and practicing would get my taste buds used to be ignited every time a took a bite, yet I have found that I can not handle the inferno. Which leaves me rather sad when we go out to eat and I see things like green chile enchiladas or breakfast burritos with chopped chile and cheese in them. I know that if I do get them, after two bites I will regret it, and after three I will be frantically looking for an ambulance because surely all of the skin on my tongue has been burned off. Then I don't eat my food and look dejectedly at my almost full plate, wishing I had stuck with something safe.
Another suck? Sundays. I like Sunday a lot, especially now that Nate is working 6 days a week. Sunday is one day when we get to be together and I can go do some shopping. But there is this little niggling law here that bugs- no alcohol sales before noon on Sunday. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, I usually go grocery shopping on Sunday morning while lots Querquians are in church, and I can't pick up a bottle of wine for dinner while I am there. And lots of other stores are not open on Sundays either. Evidently a few people in this town take the Sabbath seriously.
On to a Super! The weather here is fantastic. It is not bitterly cold here in the winter, but cold enough to merit sweaters and jeans all day, coats and scarves at night. The sky is gorgeous, the stars amazing, and the occasional snow flurry is a treat. I love the scenery and the clean air and the mountains, it makes me glad to live here.
Another suck? Sundays. I like Sunday a lot, especially now that Nate is working 6 days a week. Sunday is one day when we get to be together and I can go do some shopping. But there is this little niggling law here that bugs- no alcohol sales before noon on Sunday. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, I usually go grocery shopping on Sunday morning while lots Querquians are in church, and I can't pick up a bottle of wine for dinner while I am there. And lots of other stores are not open on Sundays either. Evidently a few people in this town take the Sabbath seriously.
On to a Super! The weather here is fantastic. It is not bitterly cold here in the winter, but cold enough to merit sweaters and jeans all day, coats and scarves at night. The sky is gorgeous, the stars amazing, and the occasional snow flurry is a treat. I love the scenery and the clean air and the mountains, it makes me glad to live here.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The family from CO bought Mr. Blue today. I am so pleased with the home he will be going to, and the people that get to keep him for the rest of his life. Blue will head home with his new family tomorrow morning. That leaves one sweet puppy at our house for the rest of the week. Lilly, as her new family calls her, will move into our kitchen with the rest of the family and become a house puppy once Blue leaves. It will be fun to play puppysitter for a week, then send her home and get some rest!
I have received so many calls about the puppies and have had people beg me to save their number in case I have another litter. While I have no intentions of doing this again, I find it funny that I have a potential waiting list for five puppies. Guess these adorable Labradoodles are a favorite around here! I heard from so many people that they have wanted one for years but no one in ABQ ever has any. So if anyone wants to move to ABQ and start a Labradoodle kennel, the market is wide open.
I have received so many calls about the puppies and have had people beg me to save their number in case I have another litter. While I have no intentions of doing this again, I find it funny that I have a potential waiting list for five puppies. Guess these adorable Labradoodles are a favorite around here! I heard from so many people that they have wanted one for years but no one in ABQ ever has any. So if anyone wants to move to ABQ and start a Labradoodle kennel, the market is wide open.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Blue is Feeling Blue
I still have one puppy available. Poor Blue, he is such a charmer too and so cute! 
I have had a lot of calls of interest, and am waiting to hear back from one gentleman in Santa Fe. Once I hear from him, either positive or negative, I can contact a family in CO that are interested in Blue. They will be here over the weekend, and want to come see Blue, and more than likely take him home. Honestly, I am rooting for the family from CO.
My first baby went home today! Purple left with her new owners and their two little kids- a 4yo girl and a 2 1/2yo boy. They are going to love Purple, she is such a mellow affectionate dog. Tomorrow 3 more are leaving the nest, and I can not wait to not have to clean up so much puppy poop. Ick.
In other news, poor E had a visit to the dentist today. She had a lot of work done, including the removal of two baby teeth. The dentist was rather adamant with her about brushing better. Guess it is time to get some Listerine Agent Blue or whatever it is called to help her see how she is brushing! I don't want to repeat this again any time soon, that is for sure.
I have had a lot of calls of interest, and am waiting to hear back from one gentleman in Santa Fe. Once I hear from him, either positive or negative, I can contact a family in CO that are interested in Blue. They will be here over the weekend, and want to come see Blue, and more than likely take him home. Honestly, I am rooting for the family from CO.
My first baby went home today! Purple left with her new owners and their two little kids- a 4yo girl and a 2 1/2yo boy. They are going to love Purple, she is such a mellow affectionate dog. Tomorrow 3 more are leaving the nest, and I can not wait to not have to clean up so much puppy poop. Ick.
In other news, poor E had a visit to the dentist today. She had a lot of work done, including the removal of two baby teeth. The dentist was rather adamant with her about brushing better. Guess it is time to get some Listerine Agent Blue or whatever it is called to help her see how she is brushing! I don't want to repeat this again any time soon, that is for sure.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
One is the Loneliest Number
We are down to one puppy left that still needs a new owner. A family came to see him today, but wanted a little time to make sure they were ready for a pup before committing to him. Since I really liked them, I was willing to wait for an answer. I should know in the morning, and my fingers are crossed that all the pups will be sold! And this is before they are even ready to go home. Meanwhile, I have gotten several more calls regarding the puppies. Sheesh, I could probably sell like ten of them.
In other news, I am going to pursue a new home for Hadrian again. I have contacted the Cavalier Rescue group for assistance in placing him in a home. After our last dismal failure, I need professional help with this undertaking. Hopefully it won't take too long, not more than a month or so, and then I can relax a bit. Just the sight of him causes me stress. A friend recommended doggie prozac for him, and I wonder what would happen if I slipped him one of mine. Haha!
In other news, I am going to pursue a new home for Hadrian again. I have contacted the Cavalier Rescue group for assistance in placing him in a home. After our last dismal failure, I need professional help with this undertaking. Hopefully it won't take too long, not more than a month or so, and then I can relax a bit. Just the sight of him causes me stress. A friend recommended doggie prozac for him, and I wonder what would happen if I slipped him one of mine. Haha!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Laying on the Carpet
Okay, here's the thing. Time at home without kids in the house is rare. Really rare. Like, once in a blue moon but even more rare than that rare. And whenever anyone asks me what I would do if I had time in my own house, all by myself, I always respond that I would lay on the carpet. Sound weird? Hear me out, you'll understand.
As a mom, I am constantly under scrutiny and surveillance by my kids. They always know what I am doing, where I am doing it, and why, and if they don't, they ask. And ask. And ask. If I were to lay on the carpet, for example, I would instantly get pummeled both verbally, with questions, and literally, with little bodies jumping on the new mommy play equipment. So I do not lay on the carpet when kids are home, but you can bet your last dollar that I do when I get a moment in the house by myself! It's symbolic, and a signal to my mind and body that I am officially "off duty" and can relax.
Today Nate took all the kids out for the day. They went to the zoo, to lunch, to the local indoor jumping place, and about town for the entire day. As soon as they left, I promptly sprawled out on the carpet in the front room and stared at the ceiling. I took slow, deep breaths, I listened to the quiet, and I felt the stress melt out of my body and into the ground. It was heavenly. Then I got up and did the dishes, took down the Christmas decorations, sold a puppy (woot!), cleaned the garage, read my book, painted my nails, and did laundry. It was a blissful, stress-free day, and when my family came back home this evening, I was recharged and happy to see all of them.
I may make this a regular appointment, at least as regular as I can talk Nate into doing it. His day was decidedly less relaxing than mine. Gee, how could that possibly be the case? Oh, right- he was in charge of all four kids.
As a mom, I am constantly under scrutiny and surveillance by my kids. They always know what I am doing, where I am doing it, and why, and if they don't, they ask. And ask. And ask. If I were to lay on the carpet, for example, I would instantly get pummeled both verbally, with questions, and literally, with little bodies jumping on the new mommy play equipment. So I do not lay on the carpet when kids are home, but you can bet your last dollar that I do when I get a moment in the house by myself! It's symbolic, and a signal to my mind and body that I am officially "off duty" and can relax.
Today Nate took all the kids out for the day. They went to the zoo, to lunch, to the local indoor jumping place, and about town for the entire day. As soon as they left, I promptly sprawled out on the carpet in the front room and stared at the ceiling. I took slow, deep breaths, I listened to the quiet, and I felt the stress melt out of my body and into the ground. It was heavenly. Then I got up and did the dishes, took down the Christmas decorations, sold a puppy (woot!), cleaned the garage, read my book, painted my nails, and did laundry. It was a blissful, stress-free day, and when my family came back home this evening, I was recharged and happy to see all of them.
I may make this a regular appointment, at least as regular as I can talk Nate into doing it. His day was decidedly less relaxing than mine. Gee, how could that possibly be the case? Oh, right- he was in charge of all four kids.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Too Good to be True
Sigh. Hadrian came back home today. He made it 24 hours in his new house before the woman decided she could not handle a dog like Hay. She not only found out she is allergic to him, but he also drives her nuts with his obsessive barking at the cat. Even putting them in separate rooms would not stop him from barking, and she didn't know what to do. So home he came, and now I am thinking maybe the problem with Hadrian isn't completely with me. Maybe he is a bit neurotic and obsessive, maybe he is a bit obnoxious, and maybe he is a bit of trouble. Nate wants to keep him and try to make it work, but I very much have my doubts. I shall try, though.
On a different subject, Happy New Year! We had a nice New Year's Eve, with the kids having some friends over and lots of snacks. Our house was so loud last night, it was awesome. The kids were incredibly thrilled with their party, and it gave me such a feeling of satisfaction to know that moving to ABQ made this possible for them.
This morning after all the kids had gone home, I gave G and M a bath. While I was occupied with them in the tub, O took it upon himself to clean up the house. And clean it he did! It was sparkling when I came down, with all the dishes put away, the trash picked up, the toys put away, the blanket folded on the sofa, and a cute little note on the table that said, "Clean by O". I got all teary-eyed and proud of my son- he is an amazing, compassionate individual and I am so glad that he is in my life.
On a different subject, Happy New Year! We had a nice New Year's Eve, with the kids having some friends over and lots of snacks. Our house was so loud last night, it was awesome. The kids were incredibly thrilled with their party, and it gave me such a feeling of satisfaction to know that moving to ABQ made this possible for them.
This morning after all the kids had gone home, I gave G and M a bath. While I was occupied with them in the tub, O took it upon himself to clean up the house. And clean it he did! It was sparkling when I came down, with all the dishes put away, the trash picked up, the toys put away, the blanket folded on the sofa, and a cute little note on the table that said, "Clean by O". I got all teary-eyed and proud of my son- he is an amazing, compassionate individual and I am so glad that he is in my life.
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